Monday, March 29, 2021

Gödel failed to prove inferential undecidablity or incompleteness in foundations

Hilbert believed every proposition is either provable or disprovable every mathematical proposition is, that is, inferentially decidable {(Ψ)(¬Ψ)} [Hilbert 1930]. Others doubted inferential decidability held. It would mean that whether a proposition is a theorem could be algorithmically decided by enumerating theorems until the proposition occurs or its negation occurs [von Plato 2018].

[Gödel 1931] seemed to have proved undecidability using the proposition I'mUnprovable, such that (I’mUnprovable I’mUnprovable).

However, existence of I’mUnprovable  would enable the following cyberattack [cf. Wittgenstein 1937]:

Theorem: Existence of I’mUnprovable  of leads to inconsistency in foundations.

Proof: Ever since Euclid, it has been a fundamental principle that a theorem can be used in a proof (the principle of  TheoremUse), that is, {((Ψ)Ψ)} [cf. Artemov and Fitting 2019]. However by [Gödel 1931], 

 (¬I’mUnprovable I’mUnprovable). Consequently,  

(¬I’mUnprovable I’mUnprovable)  by TheoremUse.

  • Therefore I’mUnprovable  using ProofBySelfContradiction 
    {(((¬ΨΨ)) Ψ)} with Ψ being I’mUnprovable
  • Thus, I’mUnprovable using TheoremUse {((Ψ)Ψ)} with Ψ being I’mUnprovable. Consequently, I’mUnprovable using
    (I’mUnprovable I’mUnprovable)

 Having both I’mUnprovable  and I’mUnprovable is a contradiction in foundations.


Strong types prevent construction of I’mUnprovable using the following recursive definition:

I’mUnprovable:Proposition viwI’mUnprovable. Note that (I’mUnprovable):Proposition vi+1w in the right-hand side of the definition because I’mUnprovable is a propositional variable of I’mUnprovable :Proposition viw. Consequently,

I’mUnprovable:Proposition<i>I’mUnprovable:Proposition<i+1>, which is a contradiction.


The crucial issue with the proofs in [Gödel 1931] is that the Gödel number of a proposition does not capture its order. Because of orders of propositions, the Diagonal Lemma [Gödel 1931] fails to construct the proposition I’mUnprovable.

information see the following:
See the following article for more information: